Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Kiss

As some of you know I turned 16 a few months ago. On the date of my birthday my grandma called me to wish me a happy birthday. I had some free time so I talked to my grandma for a while. She told me that when she was a kid, if you turned 16 with out having your first kiss you were teased on your birthday.

The reason this is coming back to me now is as follows. Last night I went to a baseball game with my dear friend and his 30 year old son. They love to talk with m about topics like love, girls, and dating. So I told them about what my grandma said in regards to a 16th birthday and being teased if you haven't had your first kiss. Brian (the 30 year old) said "it’s not worth it". But I wasn't sure what he meant so I asked him "turning 16 or kissing a girl?"

My mentor said "If your going to kiss a girl makes sure you get a blood test done first. You don't want to get anything. And another good thing to ask is 'how many other people have you kissed'" Me: "but that would ruin the moment.’Landon, I love you. Take me into your arms and kiss me.' 'Sure just do me a favor, spit on this piece of paper, if it turns green I'll kiss you. By the way how many other guys have you kissed?' If she does all this I'd have to ask her if she does drugs, because she'd have to be high to still want to kiss me." Everyone in the car started laughing. But I'm not done yet "what would have happened if Romeo asked Juliet the same thing?’Romeo I love you. Take me into your arms and kiss me.' 'Sure just do me a favor, spit on this piece of paper, if it turns green I'll kiss you. By the way how many other guys have you kissed?'" The best response I think I've ever heard "She'd probably not want to kiss him, and thus she'd still be alive!"

1 comment:

  1. This is a big thing these days, waiting to be kissed. To me it is dumb. If you keep saving all these things for the ONE. Why not, not hold hands with your gf, why not, not look into her eyes.

    If you hold hands you could get a cold from her, same with kissing, if you look into her eyes you may be to close to her and get a cold. Why guard yourself from all these things?

    There is only one thing you should save, everything else doesn't matter because only ONE thing makes you contacted in life. The bible does say "And when they kissed for the first time they were forever wed."

    By the way I survived my 16th Birthday without being teased about never being kissed.
